...Back home again!
Today I went to Magnolias shop in Borås with my
dear friend Ingela, thanks for the company sweetie!
It was so nice to go on a little "adult-trip", having some
hours for my self. But when I comes to Magnolia I am
like a child in a candystore...;o).
Are you curious how it looks like?
Please be my guest on this little tour!

This is how it looks outside the shop.
Nothing fancy, you might almost miss it
if you don´t know what´s inside!
It´s easy to find the way here though,
and there is a lot of parkingplaces around.

Inside the door the "famous" suitcase...
I always take a look inside of it!

Right to the left you find the big rubberstamptable...
Right in front of you the most rescient collection.
If there is some stamp you might not find, just ask
John or some of the girls- they will help you!
At the backside there is always a lot going on...
A lot of people are now employed by
working with different things in this growing company.

You can also enjoy taking a good look at all the beatiful
things from the designteam. Here you find things shipped
from all over the world! There is so many different
styles and technices to see, it´s like a real goldmine
for scrappers and cardmakers!

On the other side there is even more stamps
to choose among....

Except all the sweet rubberstamps,
Magnolia also
have papers, flowers, laces, different embellishments,
punches, qk and everything you might need...

Magnolia have several different collection of flowers.
Nowadays they also have their own line of papers,
there will soon be new once awalible...

Just like candy...Embossingpowders in different
colours, and even with different smells!

When you pay before you leave Magnolias shop,
John puts everything into bags with a smile ;o !
Thanks for this time and
see you soon Barbro and John!