Hi stampers!
Today I want to share these photos of my craftingspace.
I am so happy to say that it will soon be just a memory!
I have my craftingtable in a closet, and it´s been ok-
BUT a little small...and it´s getting a mess
with all stuff everywhere...:o(
As we happened to get an empty room over
in our house my husband thought I could have my
own craftingroom...it´s a dream come true!!!
♥ All my love to my kind husband ♥
( He is wise to..when mama is happy-
everyone is happy...;o) ha-ha! )

Well this is a fast shot from my craftingtable a regular
wednesday...This wednesday I was preparing for a
little event in my local bookstore. I showed
my colouring with Distress Ink to their customers.
This little Tilda is so fun to colour!
This weekend I have been painting and decorating
in my youngest daughters new room.
Now it goes in lightgreen, white and pink.
So now I am ready to start painting and
organize my own craftingroom, yippie!